Tithe and Offering
We welcome you to worship our great God by returning a portion of the gifts He has given us. Pray and serve with us as we seek to steward His resources to support the ministries of the church, care for our community, and spread the gospel to all nations.
Giving Options
1) Use a credit card or e-check (ACH), by clicking the “Give Now” button below. You will be given the option of including the processing fee with your gift (2.65% on credit card donations and 1.00% on e-check (ACH) donations).
For questions about online giving, please contact finance@wbc.org.
2) Mail a check, payable to Winnetka Bible Church (100% of your donation goes to WBC).
Winnetka Bible Church
555 Birch Street
Winnetka, IL 60093
3) Use your bank’s automatic bill pay feature to set up recurring payments to Winnetka Bible Church at the address above. (100% of your donation goes to WBC.)
4) Give with cash or a check using the offering plate that's passed around at the Sunday morning service or drop off in the church office during church office hours. (100% of your donation goes to WBC.)
5) Give stock or other securities by contacting or having your broker contact finance@wbc.org.