“...shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” - 1 Peter 5:2-3
Sooho Choi
Sooho, his wife Angela, and their three children live in Kenilworth. Sooho is an executive in a global business consulting company. He currently serves on the Missions Committee, as an Awana leader, and coordinates the Hospitality Ministry. Sooho and his family have been attending WBC since 2014.
James Karls
James and his wife, Suzanne, were married at WBC! They have three adult daughters. James has previously served as an Elder, on various committees, and in small groups. James is retired from a career in finance and accounting.
Rusty Anderson
Rusty lives in Glenview with his wife Christine and daughter Nikki. Trained in architecture, he has spent his whole career as a construction estimator and project manager on various commercial buildings specializing in churches. In addition to prior terms on the Elder Board, Rusty has served on a variety of ministries including faith works, pastoral search, missions, facilities, AWANA. Rusty began attending WBC in 7th grade and has remained because of the faithful teaching of God’s word, the long-term friendships built, and the opportunity to serve God in a variety of ways.
Peter Jaggard
Peter and his wife, Diana, live in Winnetka. They have three adult children. He began attending WBC in 1980 and currently teaches our Adult Bible Class. Peter works as a Post Acute/Long-term Geriatric Physician. He has previously served as an Elder, on the Missions Team, in AWANA, and as our Prayer Meeting facilitator.
Fred Klepitsch
Fred was born and raised in the Chicago area. He met his wife Lisa at the University of Illinois the day after he became a believer. Married shortly after college, he and Lisa have two grown daughters who know the Lord. Fred has the spiritual gift of encouragement and enjoys leading small group Bible studies at church and at work. In addition to leading small groups, he is instrumental in the Men’s Group and supports Lisa in many of the Women’s Events.
Craig Kohler
Craig and his wife, Jan, live in Glenview. They have four adult daughters and a grandson. They have been attending WBC since 1979. Craig has been an Elder twice before and has been involved with teaching Adult Bible Class, leading a small group, and facilitating our Wednesday night Prayer Meeting.
Louis Kolssak
Louis and his wife Hillary were married at WBC in 1992. He been a member serving in a variety of ministries for over 30+ years. Areas of service include leading Bible studies, teaching Sunday School, and playing on the Worship Team. Louis has previously served three terms as an Elder. Louis and Hillary have four adult home-schooled children. As an independent business advisor and management consultant, Louis serves small to mid-sized and non-profit businesses. He also serves as a policy debate coach for a group of energetic teenagers in a national speech and debate organization.
Kurt Krueger
Kurt has been a member at WBC since 1986. He has three adult children. He has been an Elder twice before, serving as Treasurer and Manager of Facilities. A fun fact about Kurt is that at Northwestern in 1955, he was voted MVP on the football team even though he had only played in four games.
Pastor Steve Mason
Steve, his wife Kerri, and their daughter live in Winnetka. Their son serves as a United States Marine. Pastor Steve earned an M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is passionate about preaching God’s word and has served God’s people for over 25 years.